Saturday 29 November 2014

Energy Storage in 2025 By: Andrea Dsa

Energy Storage in 2025

2025 may be a long time but its only eleven years from now. Solar power being that important will sooner sound really optimistic. The Thomson Reuters researchers have a rational basis for their conclusion.
The researchers scoured the available literature on R&D which looked at the citation rankings, most-cited papers, hot topics, patents, and research fronts. Examining these sources gave a good indication of the potential of a technology or area of research.
They found that Solar has a lot of potential and is enough to be identified as one of the essential trends for our near future. The researchers attribute the rise of solar to improveme in efficiency and technology which includes of course and storage technology.
Solar Industry Magazine provides a closer look at the methods used to the study the Solar energy. By 2025, we will see the fruits of much of the R&D that’s been taking place.

This chart on Renew Economy, shows that green NGOs are more realistically estimating solar capacity forecasts than established. Energy experts, in this case the International Energy Agency.


Rosana Francescato. (2014). Be Prepared – For a LOT More Solar by 2025. Retrieved from

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