Saturday 29 November 2014

Building Process in 2025 By: Jie Jiao

                                                   Home in 2025-Building Process

Today, most of people buy houses from a dealer or an agent. We always hear “Nothing is perfect” from them. And people find that it’s impossible to buy a house that exactly what they want. When they move to the house they change somewhere to meet their requirements but they are still not satisfied with everything. In my opinion, the main reason is all of the houses are designed and built by the dealers or builders. In order to reduce the cost they use the similar designs and building processes which only match the primary requirements of customers. But with the rapidly increasing of the living standards more and more people would like to build a house just for themselves in the future.

First of all, the traditional building process such as getting a design, making a foundation, building the wall and roof, decorating and so on will be replaced by a system named BIM which “is an intelligent model-based process that provides insight to help you plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure. It is changing how buildings, infrastructure, and utilities are planned, designed, built, and managed (Autodesk, 2014).” The system combines all the information which is needed to build a house. 


The video below shows how BIM works.

Just like the video shows you can create a database that brings everything together. People can design the house, the rooms, and the windows by themselves. Anything that can be tied to the building is part of BIM. Today, BIM as a process assists more and more projects in many companies. Now someone is focusing on how to develop it to make it easier to be used by people without professional architecture knowledge. Then people can design or build their dream home by themselves. I believe that dream will come true in 2025.


Autodesk. (2014). Retrieved from BIM overview:
Calvert, N. (2013, Dec 11). Direct Magazine. Retrieved from Artical/Why we care about BIM:

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