Thursday 30 October 2014

Home Security in 2025 By: Stephen Arena

Home Security in 2025

Our home is where we live. Being safe in our homes is very important in our life. Before I talk about what it will be like in the future , I will talk about what is happening in the present and its advances.

Houses in today's society have the central keypad that can be found mostly at the front of the houses. A company Cedia-One of which excels in the industry for home security. They have created a Intelligent Lighting System ‘Lutron Homework's system’ which allows all lights open on property automatically when an intruder is detected. (Miles,2014)

Also there is video monitoring that are being used now in homes. Sensor motions, detectors, and markers are put into homes. With all these gadgets it shows a bright future on keeping homes safe.

Moving fore ward into the future many things I have researched and ideas by others have suggested is having Intelligent doorbells. I- bell is a software that lets you see who is at the front door by connecting to your smart phone directly without checking at the door.(Miles,2014)

In a article from Hillary Johnston suggest door screening process. Having automation at the door asking for information from the person before allowed to be answered. Another interesting idea was facial recognition for people who live in the house. Many of these ideas are quite intriguing.

Home security in 2025 is going to have more control for the home owners, where they will have the free will to customise their home security whether it will be threw finger print detection, voice recognition, a defensive robot protecting your home while away. The power will be in the consumers hands. 2025 will bring many advancement in technology.


How to Install a Security Camera Systemfor a House. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2014.

Robotics In 2025 By: Andrea Dsa

Robots Everywhere

The traditional view of the robots in one’s house will be like an android with arms. In 2025 robots will meet our everyday needs. Also we won’t be referring to them as robots. 15 years from now cleaning windows, sweeping the floor, and even making minor repairs will do the work.

§  Induction Cooking
§  Induction Cooking Modules
§  Urban Grilling
§  Social Cooking Experience


  •   Easy-care Laundry Machine
  •   Virtual Closet
  •   Clothes Shopping Convenience
  •   On-the –go with Ease
  •  Laundry Pellets 


GE has imagined the technological improvements that will change the way we live and how our homes will look like years from now. Using its expanded industrial design team and advanced development engineers, GE Appliances has envisioned the home of 2025.
To project what the Home of 2025 may look like, we first took a high level look at where we think society, culture, and technology is taking us and intersected that with ways in which we could make our lives less complex and more enjoyable," says Lenzi. "We conceptualized how we will prepare meals, wash clothes, and interact with information as families over the next dozen years."

The main goal behind technology is to help reduce human’s physical effort. Home automation has grown through the years. In today’s time security cameras, motion sensors are a bit complicated to use. ZigBee RF4CE is a new standard and it will help with the pace

This small sensor could be used in light switches, doors and windows.   This small wireless sensor could be used in light switches, doors and windows. These connections will feed to a central server and one will be able to access it with their phones. All these censors will connect together when one will leave for the day. One would just have to press the button on their phone to turn the lights of or program to leave a few lights on.

Houses in 2025 will be monitoring one’s health. By placing your hand on a medical cabinet it can tell you your blood pressure, diabetes, and every other important thing you need to know about your health. It will also tell you the medications you need.

Houses in 2025 will be surrounded with technology. Robots will come into existence and will help our burden by performing or everyday tasks. This technology is not new but it will get more comfortable and affordable in the future. Every humans efforts will be reduced in the future by technology.


GE Appliances. (2014). Home 2025: GE Envisions Home of the Future. Retrieved from  

John Brando. (2012). Your home in 2025: what will it be like? Retrieved from

Classmint. (2014). Future of houses in 2025. Retrieved from

Prices of Houses in 2025 By: Cassandra Carabott

                                                                  Price of Houses in 2025

In the last year, the sales of homes in the Toronto have increased by 6.9% in the past year also the prices for resale of homes has also increased by 7.7-8.5% (Market Watch, 2014). This year alone has made a huge difference from the past all over Canada, increases from Vancouver, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Montreal, Halifax, St. John’s, etc. (Canada’s Housing Bubble, 2014).
                In result to the prices of housing about double the price now, the demand for higher wages from the workers is on a rise (Canada’s Housing Bubble, 2014) . Workers are asking for higher wages now to be able to afford these homes now are reducing the competitiveness from business to business.
                This graph below illustrates that approximately every 13 years the growth rate of the pricing homes have increased about 7%. Right now the average price of a house is ~$389,119. In 2018, the average price of a house will be approximately $600,000.  By the year 2025, the price of houses with be approximately $850,000-$875,000 in Canada (7 Reasons to Avoid Canadian Real Estate, 2014)


Kitchens in 2025 By: Jie Jiao

                                            Kitchens in 2025

Have you ever imagined what your kitchen will look like in 2025? This question has been in my mind for a long time because I always consider that kitchen is the most important room in my house. I know someone maybe not agree with me as they don’t know cook or they are too busy to cook or they always eat outside. However, with the development of technology your mind will be changed.

First of all, the increased economic will lead the standard of lives to go up in the future. So people will have more time and energy to focus on their personal lives.
They will pursue eating healthier, promoting understanding, and improving interpersonal relationship more than before. How about a stove in your kitchen gives you every day menu with healthy food and you can cook kinds of meals by following the indicator in front of your face. You never need to worry what to cook and how to cook. A smart kitchen will bring you all of what they need. The video below shows a mart kitchen in the future. People can cook healthy food with the simple indicator. Everyone can be a great chef. The families and friends can enjoy the wonderful meal together.

The Samsung Smart Kitchen- Solve For Tomorrow (Blueprint, 2014)

Many years ago, people had to make fire before they cooked. At that time, they couldn’t imagine how easy and convenient to be cooking with gas or electricity.
When I was a child, I thought the microwave was an amazing stuff because it can heat or cook food itself within several minutes.  So what can we have in 2025 in our kitchen? We all know that the appliances and objects in the kitchen will add internet and technology connectivity which will bring us more convenience. The video below is an island kitchen which uses new technology to meet people’s specific needs and requirements.

Intelligent Island Kitchen (n.a., 2011)

Today, people have experienced lots of happiness, convenience, comfort that new technology brought us. In the future, what will we have? I believe that we will have more advanced appliances or skills that can change our lives and the new technology will give us more surprise. Let’s wait and see.


Blueprint. (2014, sep 3). youtube. Retrieved from samsung solve for tomorrow contest entry:
n.a. (2011, Jan 11). ripitz. Retrieved from intelligent island kitchen: